Movie Night:" 12 Years A Slave" Review

 I must admit, I had no intentions of seeing this movie at all. I was headed to an advanced screening of "Delivery Man" which starred Vince Vaughn, however the seating had already reached its full capacity. After debating for a few minutes with my friends, we all agreed to see something other than our traditional Romantic Comedies and chick flicks. I was hesitant about seeing a film of this caliber, but I'm happy I did because the movie was life changing and inspirational. Visually, historically and musically the film is stunning. There aren't enough Oscars in Hollywood for this film. The cast reall blew me away with their performance. The story told was raw and real and unfiltered and felt as though I could really associate with the pain of the slave experience. It wasn't a superhero adaptation about a black man's psyche, an adaption of Roots, or a textbook documentary. Twelve Years A Slave is that dream you have about real life events, that causes cold sweats, intense breathing and heart pounding because you are reliving a past that you have learned to skillfully suppress. Words can not explain how much this movie touched me as I found myself praying for the characters on screen as we witnessed their struggle; as if my prayers could really alter the reality of the movie! This movie is so much more than race and should be seen by all people everywhere. If you've haven't had the chance to see it, please do so. To learn more about the film visit the movie's website here .


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